
Facebook instagram whatsapp messenger
Facebook instagram whatsapp messenger

facebook instagram whatsapp messenger

Yet the two services that already have the open-source protocol in place implement it differently WhatsApp by default, Facebook Messenger as an option. All three implementations of the Signal protocol would need to be identical to ensure seamless and secure end-to-end encrypted messages. This is not just a case of bolting the Signal protocol (as used by both WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger) onto Instagram. Or at least it will be unless the plan is to completely re-engineer all three messaging services from the ground up. This is harder to achieve, at least in a way that could be thought of as being secure, than it sounds.

facebook instagram whatsapp messenger

Will the new platform impose default end-to-end encryption for all users regardless of which service they are actually using?

facebook instagram whatsapp messenger

Here's the thing then: what happens if, for example, an Instagram user (or a Facebook Messenger user with secret conversations toggled off) messages a WhatsApp user? There will be an expectation from the WhatsApp user that all their messages are encrypted across the entire communication process, but Instagram messages aren't encrypted at the moment. Of the three messaging services, currently only WhatsApp supports end-to-end encryption by default while Facebook Messenger users need to switch the 'secret conversations' feature on and Instagram users get no such option at all.

Facebook instagram whatsapp messenger